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Policy OTR Tire Indonesia



Messages from chief

Praise be to the presence of Allah Almighty for all the abundance of Grace, Inayah, Taufik and Hidayah so that I can present this online shopping place, namely which is still simple, but we try to present article information, complete products and maximum service. Hopefully the presence of OTR Tire Indonesia can provide better benefits for all readers and workers in the tire/wheel field, but we also accept requests for training and recommendations for tire/rim maintenance.

My hope is that the OTR Tire Indonesia website will become a partner for all partners, both domestic and overseas. Thus we can provide maximum benefits for the realization of a safe way of working and environment according to the expectations of each company. In the interest of work efficiency and safety, we give permission to copy statements and photos on this website for the sole purpose of the wider common good.

However, because the website is still under development on several pages, we apologize if we find things that are not satisfactory. We hope that your suggestions and input are for the development of this website so that it can continue to grow and provide even more benefits.

Finally, I say on behalf of the manager "" wish you a happy visit and get as much benefit from this website as possible. Thank you.

Best Regards,
